Libanon: Ei koulupakkoa pakolaisleirillä

XMA305; FILE – In this Tuesday, July 19, 2016 file photo, Syrian refugee Amani al-Antar, 7, who fled with her family from the city of Deir al-Zour, Syria, drinks water at a Syrian refugee camp in the eastern Lebanese town of Saadnayel, Bekaa Valley, Lebanon. Human Rights Watch, a leading international human rights group, said in a report released Tuesday, that more than half of the nearly 500,000 school-age Syrian children registered in Lebanon do not go to school and receive no formal education. Since Syria’s conflict began in March 2011, hundreds of thousands of Syrians have fled to Lebanon, which is now home to some 1.1 million registered refugees. (AP Photo/Bilal Hussein, File) AP / LEHTIKUVA / BILAL HUSSEIN
Todella mielenkiintoisen peilin nykytilanteeseen tarjoavat ranskalaissyyrialaisen Riad Sattoufin sarjakuvaromaanit Tulevaisuuden arabi – Lapsuus Lähi-idässä 1 & 2. Ne kertovat tositarinan Riad-pojasta, joka muuttaa vanhempineen Ranskasta ensin Gaddafin Libyaan ja sieltä al-Assadin Syyriaan. Siellä olikin sitten pakko käydä koulua.